
Recent Blog Posts

A wicker bag filled with sunscreen , sunglasses , and a flower.
By Springfield Pharmacy July 17, 2024
Summer is a time for pool parties, beach days, camping, and other outdoor activities. Spending a lot of time out in the sun and in hot, humid weather can negatively affect your skin. It’s important to revamp your skincare routine to fit the season. If you want to keep your skin healthy and radiant during the warmer months, try following these summer skincare tips
A woman is applying sunscreen to her back on the beach.
By Springfield Pharmacy June 20, 2024
One of the things people look forward to most in the warmer months is getting to spend more time outside. This is the perfect time of year to go fishing, head to the beach, host a cookout, play sports, and enjoy other outdoor activities. However, spending time outside in the sun can lead to sunburn, which can not only be painful but can also contribute to early aging and even skin cancer.
A man is sitting in bed blowing his nose into a napkin.
By Springfield Pharmacy May 15, 2024
Nasal congestion can have a number of causes, including viral infections like the flu or common cold, bacterial infections, seasonal allergies, nasal polyps, and others. No matter the cause, having a stuffy nose can make you feel miserable and cause trouble breathing, headaches, and sleep problems. Here are some of the best remedies for nasal congestion that can help you find relief from this irritating symptom.

What Is a Compounding Pharmacy?

Springfield Pharmacy • October 17, 2023

When you are sick or have a health condition, a doctor will often prescribe medication to help you feel better. Most of the time, the medications doctors prescribe are commercially available and can be filled at most pharmacies. However, sometimes you may need a medication made specifically for your unique needs. That’s where a compounding pharmacy comes in. Here’s what you need to know about compounding pharmacies and how you may benefit from compounded medications.

What Is Compounding?

Compounding is creating a pharmaceutical medication to meet the unique needs of an individual. This is necessary when a commercial medication isn’t available to meet a patient’s specific needs. Compounding is performed by a licensed pharmacist at a compounding pharmacy. Compounded medications allow for more customization than those manufactured in bulk. These customizations can change the strength or dosages of medications as well as create drugs without additives and nonessential ingredients. Compounding also allows you to customize the drug form for patients who may have difficulty with the commercial form.

When Is a Compounding Pharmacy Necessary?

A compounding pharmacy may be necessary based on an individual’s needs or a doctor’s prescription request. This type of pharmacy is able to create drugs that are not commercially available from manufacturers. Your doctor may prescribe a medication at a strength or dosage not commercially available, or you may require a specially formulated drug to avoid an allergic reaction. A compounding pharmacy has all the equipment and training necessary to safely and efficiently compound and dispense customized drugs to meet a patient’s specific needs. These drugs can be created in a number of forms to best suit the doctor’s instructions or your own needs, including liquids, capsules, injections, creams, ointments, and others.

Who Can Benefit From Compounded Medications?

Many individuals may benefit from compounded medications. Your doctor may find it necessary to prescribe a drug for you that is currently in short supply or has been discontinued. If so, a compounding pharmacy is able to create the medication you need even though it isn’t available from a manufacturer. Compounding pharmacies can also make drugs in whatever dosage your doctor prescribes if that dosage is not commercially available. If you have allergies, you can especially benefit from compounded medications. A compounding pharmacy can create drugs without additives and nonessential ingredients such as dyes, gluten, lactose, and other potential allergens. Another benefit of compounding is the ability to formulate drugs in different forms. For example, a patient who has difficulty swallowing pills can get a medication made in a different form such as a flavored liquid that is easier to swallow.

Talk to an Expert at Springfield Pharmacy

Now you know more about what a compounding pharmacy is and how you may benefit from compounded medications. If you are interested in learning more about the compounding services we offer here at Springfield Pharmacy, please reach out to us and one of our expert pharmacists will be happy to talk to you about how we can help you along your medication journey!

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A wicker bag filled with sunscreen , sunglasses , and a flower.
By Springfield Pharmacy July 17, 2024
Summer is a time for pool parties, beach days, camping, and other outdoor activities. Spending a lot of time out in the sun and in hot, humid weather can negatively affect your skin. It’s important to revamp your skincare routine to fit the season. If you want to keep your skin healthy and radiant during the warmer months, try following these summer skincare tips
A woman is applying sunscreen to her back on the beach.
By Springfield Pharmacy June 20, 2024
One of the things people look forward to most in the warmer months is getting to spend more time outside. This is the perfect time of year to go fishing, head to the beach, host a cookout, play sports, and enjoy other outdoor activities. However, spending time outside in the sun can lead to sunburn, which can not only be painful but can also contribute to early aging and even skin cancer.
A man is sitting in bed blowing his nose into a napkin.
By Springfield Pharmacy May 15, 2024
Nasal congestion can have a number of causes, including viral infections like the flu or common cold, bacterial infections, seasonal allergies, nasal polyps, and others. No matter the cause, having a stuffy nose can make you feel miserable and cause trouble breathing, headaches, and sleep problems. Here are some of the best remedies for nasal congestion that can help you find relief from this irritating symptom.


Recent Blog Posts

A wicker bag filled with sunscreen , sunglasses , and a flower.
By Springfield Pharmacy July 17, 2024
Summer is a time for pool parties, beach days, camping, and other outdoor activities. Spending a lot of time out in the sun and in hot, humid weather can negatively affect your skin. It’s important to revamp your skincare routine to fit the season. If you want to keep your skin healthy and radiant during the warmer months, try following these summer skincare tips
A woman is applying sunscreen to her back on the beach.
By Springfield Pharmacy June 20, 2024
One of the things people look forward to most in the warmer months is getting to spend more time outside. This is the perfect time of year to go fishing, head to the beach, host a cookout, play sports, and enjoy other outdoor activities. However, spending time outside in the sun can lead to sunburn, which can not only be painful but can also contribute to early aging and even skin cancer.
A man is sitting in bed blowing his nose into a napkin.
By Springfield Pharmacy May 15, 2024
Nasal congestion can have a number of causes, including viral infections like the flu or common cold, bacterial infections, seasonal allergies, nasal polyps, and others. No matter the cause, having a stuffy nose can make you feel miserable and cause trouble breathing, headaches, and sleep problems. Here are some of the best remedies for nasal congestion that can help you find relief from this irritating symptom.
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